Cleaning Contact Lenses: Product Design Challenge (10 K€ in prizes)
Can you come up with a design for a device for cleaning contact lenses? Participate in this ennomotive challenge and win up to 10,000 EUR.
New cleaning contact lenses device
... However latest tests have shown that PROTOTYPES ARE NOT FULLY SEALED; In fact, during cleaning process THE SOLUTION LEAKS when you start to press with your fingers... So ... could you helps us solve this challenge? You are welcome to bring new proposals to get the seal:
Cleaning Contact Lenses
Could you help this manufacturer with this product design challenge?
Our client is a manufacturer of liquid sterile solutions for lenses. In the image below, you can see the new case for cleaning contact lenses this manufacturer has recently developed.
... However latest tests have shown that PROTOTYPES ARE NOT FULLY SEALED; In fact, during cleaning process THE SOLUTION LEAKS when you start to press with your fingers... So ... could you helps us solve this challenge? You are welcome to bring new proposals to get the seal:
- Reusing the actual design (3D attached)
- Designing a new solution (e.g. screwed design)
- Optimum seal
- Lower cost per unit (plastic injection and manual assembly)
- Lower investment required (mold modification / new mold)
- Attractive design (for new design)
- Easy to use