How decentralized manufacturing is helping GE
For an up-and-coming firm like Ennomotive, our approach to crowdsourcing becomes validated every time large companies turn to open innovation tournaments in order to improve their products and services. A good example comes from the US, where GE has launched a large program where up to half million people have been involved in their R&D projects.
The idea behind this model is to develop new products based on patents that are already owned by GE. Back in 2013, an investment of more than 20 million euro provided this program with enough financial muscle to turn 30 ideas into real products over the next five years. Under this decentralized system, the birth of GE's most exciting new projects will come with an added boost of creativity.
Years ago, opening up the innovation process in such a profound way would have sound crazy to most executives. Today, the idea of traditional outsourcing is no longer accepted as the only solution: in fact, if you consider how narrow this approach is, you might even say that it sounds as crazy as crowdsourcing once did.
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