Introducing Social Solver, a new engineering for sustainable development platform
Introducing Social Solver, a new engineering for sustainable development platform
After the experience in 2020 with the development and delivery of OxyVita ventilator to Ecuador and Peru, Ennomotive and Ayuda en Acción (AeA) decided to create Social Solver, a new digital platform for the development of social projects.
With this initiative, both organizations intend to revolutionize the impact of social development cooperation projects combining digital transformation, open innovation and engineering.
Through Social Solver, the NGO AeA will bring real challenges to +20,000 engineers and startups that make part of ennomotive´s global solvers community. They will be able to submit their proposals and participate in the implementation in one of the 20 countries where the NGO operates.
Local and international organizations, companies and even governments will be able to benefit from this platform to find the best solution to achieve the greatest social impact on their projects.
The winning solutions will also be replicated in other territories, since new technologies will always be available to be used in sustainable development projects.
A new model to achieve a stronger impact through engineering
According to the latest Unesco report, engineering needs to change to become more innovative, inclusive, collaborative and responsible. This way social needs can be connected with technological innovations, leaving no one behind! At the same time, it is an essential tool to make sustainable development goals possible (all 17!)
Social Solver will allow the integration of AeA’s and ennomotive key capabilities. On the one hand, AeA will drive innovation towards real life problems with its local presence in the countries. On the other hand, ennomotive engineering community will embrace the commitments made in the SDGs to bring technology to the most disadvantaged communities.
Enrique Ramírez, CEO of Ennomotive, believes that “During the pandemic, projects developed by civil society to combat technology shortage (ventilators, facemasks...) have shown that there is an efficient way to deliver engineering solutions and solve real needs. Social Solver aims to put engineering back at the service of society, where it is most needed.”
Ennomotive´s open innovation will enable the delivery of technological solutions adapted to rural and peri-urban environments in developing countries. It will make them sustainable through the participation of local communities, solvers and entrepreneurs, which has been a key piece in the AeA development model since 1981.
Engineering, a new ally in sustainable development projects
Engineering plays a vital role in addressing basic human needs, eradicating poverty or promoting safe and sustainable development. And indeed we have seen how technology has been instrumental in emergency response and infrastructure reconstruction.
However, engineering has not always proven to adapt solutions to vulnerable areas. Several communities where Ayuda en Acción currently works or has worked in the past have recognized that, "many solutions are not adapted to the reality, to the available materials or supplies, or to our culture”
The NGO sees this alliance as a need and a revolution: “Social Solver will allow us to bring innovations in developing areas such as clean energy, water and sanitation, artificial intelligence, mobility, infrastructure, digital education, and many more. It will be in a way that will be adapted to the local context and will be sustainable over time in the places that do not have access to it,” says Fernando Mudarra, CEO of AeA.
Social Solver will help to create small industries, acting on the value chain of available raw materials with the essential participation of engineers, who can design, develop and set up new technologies to truly improve people's lives.
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