First Pierce Smith Converter in Chuquicamata is Inaugurated
The first Pierce Smith Converter in Chuquicamata has been recently inaugurated and is already running. Its goal is to capture the 97% of the gasses emitted by the mining company and moves away to the employers from the fire line. This converter is the fifth acquired by the enterprise and it has been the result of two years of work.
Pierce Smith Converter (CPS)
The Pierce Smith Converter is the one used in the most of the smeltings in Chile and the world. The objective of the conversion is to eliminate the iron, sulfur and other defects in the copper production. This is obtained when the melted axis is oxidated with air enriched with oxygen and using silica as flux. The removal is done in two stages. The first one is called "slag blowing" and it produces the liquid slag from silica melting. The second one is called "copper blowing" and it has an objective to eliminate the sulfur from the metal. The result of this process is the production of blister Copper (99% Cu), which is taken to the refining stage.