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Social Solver Challenges: Why Engineers Should Participate
Social Solver Challenges: This new ecosystem has the goal of revolutionizing social engineering. We look for talented engineers who want to make a difference.

Introducing Social Solver, a new engineering for sustainable development platform
After the experience in 2020 with the development and delivery of OxyVita ventilator to Ecuador and Peru, Ennomotive and Ayuda en Acción (AeA) decided to create Social Solver, a new digital platform for the development of social projects.

ennomotive was awarded the ABC Salud Prize for 'OxyVita Ventilator'
Yesterday, ABC Salud Prize were awarded and ennomotive attended the event to accept the award for Best Initiative in Healthcare Technology for OxyVita.

Spanish researchers design a CO2-free internal combustion engine
Researchers from the Technical University of Valencia (UPV) have designed a new internal combustion engine that neither emits damaging gases nor CO2.

The Spanish Medical Agency authorizes the OxyVita ventilator
The Spanish Medical Agency (AEMPS) authorizes the clinical tests for the OxyVita ventilator. The first shipment of ventilators will go to Ecuador.

Solidarity initiative develops a ventilator for countries with COVID-19 spikes
This solidarity initiative is led by the open innovation network ennomotive with the support of lyntia, Vithas and its Foundation, and McFly Technologies.

OxyVita ventilator successfully passes the pre-clinical tests
OxyVita ventilator has successfully passed the pre-clinical tests, the artificial lung test and the animal test. Read more about it here.

Ennomotive brings several companies together to fight against COVID-19
Ennomotive brings several companies together to fight against COVID-19 to make the low-cost ventilator OxyVita available anywhere in the world.

Meet the Winning Startups of the 8 ACCIONA I'MNOVATION Challenges
Meet the winning startups of the ACCIONA I'MNOVATION challenges. Selection Day happened in Santiago the Chile and they are currently piloting their ideas.