Walmart innovation is at the forefront when it comes to transforming marketing operations and customer experience using Automatic Learning, IoT & Big Data.

Today you are going to meet one of the members, a great engineer and a solver that has participated in many ennomotive challenges: Mario Popovic.
9/25/2017Mario Honrubia

CAPPS is a sales and operations planning software able to automatically generate master production Plans and detailed Schedules.
9/22/2017Mario Honrubia

Aqualit is an autonomous system that uses electrochemical principles to provide real-time analysis of heavy metals in wastewater.
9/20/2017Mario Honrubia

There are plenty of landslide prevention techniques depending on the soil. In this article, you can find 3 efficient alternatives.

Battery lifespan can be an issue, but there are some tricks and tips you can follow to help increase your drone battery life.
9/15/2017Mario Honrubia

10 different industries that are using virtual reality for different purposes and how they are incorporating it into everyday life.
9/14/2017Mario Honrubia

“Sonus”, is a system designed for real time predictive analysis of machinery. This system can anticipate the causes of potential failures and reduce costs.
9/13/2017Mario Honrubia

Harddrones online service processes aerial multispectral maps and NDVI maps from imagery captured by drones for crop monitoring.
9/12/2017Mario Honrubia