The path of improving our lives also has many applications and plenty of potential for transport autonomous robots, and here are two great examples.

Black Mirror technology is simultaneously attainable and impossible-seeming. Or is it? Each episode explores the potential pitfalls of technology.
12/20/2016Mario Honrubia

Together with the help of digital development, we are starting to see how automation and in-home robots are penetrating activities of our daily life.

Colin Furze is a youtuber that has become increasingly famous worldwide thanks to his amazing inventions such as a homemade hoverbike or Wolverine claws.
12/14/2016Mario Honrubia

A small autonomous robot prototype is wanted, using robotic platforms like Arduino to make transportation autonomous in a work-simulated environment
12/14/2016Mario Honrubia

Environmental issues on important capitals of the world are skyrocketing. The excess of fossil fueled vehicles have alarmed the mayors of 3 big cities.
12/13/2016Mario Honrubia

Sound and noise insulation techniques are related with our quality of life and health. There are many aspects of our life in which noise could be reduced.
12/8/2016Mario Honrubia

After the wide development of drones in the recent years, it seems that the dream of flying vehicles is closer than ever.
12/1/2016Mario Honrubia

Jorge Pérez de Leza is an engineer who was involved in a serious accident that paralized him from the chest down an thus began a new life on a wheelchair.
11/30/2016Mario Honrubia