One of the challenges that have been closed recently at ennomotive is the Craft Manufacturing Carbon Fiber Tubes. Some solvers submitted a few solutions.

This company is trying to introduce their own golf trolley to help golf players move around the course. They want to reduce the noise of this vehicle.
11/23/2016Mario Honrubia

Golf requires a great deal of technique and concentration from the player and intensive golf training. Industry 4.0 has two amazing solutions.
11/22/2016Mario Honrubia

Ever since he was 3 years old, Marcos Ruperez wanted to devote his life to technology. His father is an electric engineer and Marcos followed his steps.
11/22/2016Mario Honrubia

Years ago this was impossible, but today different kinds of new batteries and ways of clean energy storage are starting to boost.
11/17/2016Mario Honrubia

For today's bio, we wanted to share the story of Bjarke Ingels, an innovative Danish architect founder of and creative partner of Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG).
11/16/2016Mario Honrubia

“The joy of seeing your motorbike racing after two years of hard work is unspeakable” claims Ignacio Peironcely, participant in this student competition.
11/10/2016Mario Honrubia

The chairman of the energy-focused company initially announced his firm would be developing a new solar roof. Each tile is designed to be "more attractive".
11/8/2016Mario Honrubia

After gathering data about the electricity supply chain, system operators can use powerful analytics, to create precise predictions for energy consumption.
11/3/2016Mario Honrubia