This article explains how companies like Seuffer have improved thier injection molding processes with 3D printing technologies.

This challenge is looking for solving a challenge around the seal of a new contact lenses cleaning prototype or just coming with a new case design
4/3/2016Mario Honrubia

This challenge is looking to optimise the speed of ultrasonic welding of PP, ABS, and other common plastic materials for automotive interiors
4/3/2016Mario Honrubia

Humans replacing robots is a hot topic today. Learn how Mercedes Benz and BMW use different strategies in their factories. What is best?
2/29/2016Mario Honrubia

This challenge is looking to optimise the cost of a plastic bottle head cutting process
2/29/2016Mario Honrubia

How M2M is changing the factories and the importance of the IoT for the future of manufacturing.
2/25/2016Mario Honrubia

How the collaborative robots are changing manufacturing and how different will be the factories in the future. Safer, faster, neater.
2/16/2016Mario Honrubia

Temporary structures are more common than you might think. But what about factories? Would it be possible to build temporary industrial constructions?
2/8/2016Mario Honrubia

Meet the winners of the battery monitoring challenge! Two engineers of the Ennomotive community came up with solutions for our first social challenge
1/26/2016Mario Honrubia