This post summaries the key reasons for engineers from all over the world to join Ennomotive, the home of engineering challenges where everybody wins!

Innovation is the result of an open competition where many individuals and teams are able to be their own bosses while they develop their solutions.
5/25/2015Mario Honrubia

Are you looking to disrupt industrial manufacturing? Do you want to incorporate 3D printing into real-life projects? Then join Ennomotive and participate!
5/18/2015Mario Honrubia

The advertisement company's elitist approach to talent left little room for promotion and failed to incorporate innovative projects from outside the firm.
5/18/2015Mario Honrubia

The Mormon Church has joined the genealogy effort, focusing on volunteer work that is coordinated through a crowdsourcing project.
5/14/2015Mario Honrubia

By 2000, the Goldcorp Challenge was a reality. With a cash prize of 575,000$ dollars, people from all over the world tried to find the gold.
5/12/2015Mario Honrubia

With crowdsourcing,self-employed workers can compete with professionals with a full-time job but willing to take part in an exciting innovation tournament.
5/6/2015Mario Honrubia

Smart phones changed the way we work and learn. This creates a new scenario where creativity and innovation can be developed in renewed ways.
4/29/2015Mario Honrubia

With the internet of things (IOT), devices enter a new ground where they not only interact with us, but even among themselves.
4/28/2015Mario Honrubia