The Spanish Man Who Optimized The Titans
Do you know who the person in the photo is? I don't think any of you know him but you will certainly know the organizations which he has impacted in a dramatic way: Amazon, Expedia, Genentech; the list goes on.
His name is Jose Antonio Guerrero, a 53 year old mathematician who lives in Sevilla, Spain and works in a university hospital. So far it seems like a normal profile, but what is interesting about Jose is that he has a passion: Predictive modeling, forecasting and data analysis.
It was around 2011 that Jose Antonio decided to leverage Internet to follow his passion. His approach? Participating in crowdsourcing contests. Since the start of his little experiment, he has gone to win or rank on the top lists in many global data analysis competitions. Some examples include:
- The winner of a global challenge in health-care: Using medical record data to Identify patients diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (Practice Fusion).
- #6 Top player - Developing a model for ranking hotels in an online outlet to maximize purchases (Expedia)
- #2 Top player - Developing an algorithm that helps predict where the occurrence, peak and severity of influenza will be in a given season.